This is a page I decided to put together after seeing many requests on what wheels/rims fit
the Supra and what looks good on what color...I'm trying to add as many as I can so if you
have a Supra with aftermarket wheels, please send me a pic and the kind/size of the wheels!
I have tried to name the owners of the pics I'm using...some of them I got off the "Reader's
Rides" section of MKIV.COM, and some of them were emailed to
me by list members.
If I have a pic of your car and you are not credited, let me know...also if I display your name and you don't want me to, let me know and I will remove it! :) |
Abflug ADR A.M.E. BBS Blitz CCW Enkie Fikse Forgeline Gewalt Kinesis Konig Kosei Manaray MSW Niche Oz Racing Hart Rays Engineering Sparco SSR TR Motorsport TRD Volk Work Anhelo |
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Any comments, or suggestions, please email me! -=doug@moojohn.com=- |